Strategija evropa 2020 vkljucuje sedem vodilnih pobud, s katerimi zeli. Pri povezovanju poslovnih registrov je treba upostevati cilje iz dveh strateskih dokumentov. Skupni strateski okvir, ki bo vzpostavljen, bo cilje in prednostne naloge strategije evropa 2020 pretvoril v prednostne naloge za eksrp ter esrr, ess, kohezijski sklad in evropski sklad za pomorstvo in ribistvo, kar bo zagotovilo povezano rabo sredstev za doseganje skupnih ciljev. Regional and local authorities have key competences, and are often best placed, to implement the necessary reforms in crucial areas such as education, research, active labour. There is also the business owner who is dedicated to run his place on his terms.
Key disruptive trends in enterprise software are changing the nature of how it solutions are delivered, who performs tasks and how change is absorbed. Strategija evropa 2020 je bila sprejeta s strani evropske komisije leta 2010. Dejansko bi lahko strategija, ce njeno izvajanje ne bo prozno, zamudila. Briefing education policy in the europe 2020 strategy.
Europe 2020 will only succeed with full ownership and commitment fr om all levels, particularly from the regional and local levels. Te obremenitve prispevajo k podnebnim spremembam, skodijo naravnim ekosistemom in. Horizon 2020 and indonesia a collaboration for success. Energija je bistvena za ustvarjanje industrijske, trgovinske in druzbene blaginje, posameznikom pa zagotavlja tudi udobje in mobilnost.
Europe 2020 puts forward three mutually reinforcing priorities. Vrednotenje slovenske kmetijske politike v obdobju 20152020. Cilji zajemajo vsa tri prednostna podrocja, in sicer pametno, trajnostno in vkljucujoco rast. Guiding values quality, costeffectiveness, timeliness and harmonization. To support digital business outcomes, it leaders need to make fundamental changes to application delivery, architecture and strategy. Strategic plan 2020 european union intellectual property. Second, the most important omission from the europe 2020 strategy flagged by us concerns the integration and regulation of financial markets. Energy efficiency is a major stake for the future of the european union and of the world. Be sure to register for our 2020 design and 2020 fusion online portals to receive all your support benefits, such as product updates, manufacturers catalogs downloads, elearning, maintenance upgrades and. Efsa strategy 2020 3 introduction efsas corporate strategy reached its end date in 20, while the efsa science strategy will remain in force only until the end of 2016. This is the main focus of this 7th monitoring report, which helps identifying, assessing and addressing obstacles to investment with a role for local and. Strategija razvoja informacijske druzbe do leta 2020 10 1. Ti cilji so med seboj povezani in so odlocilni za nas uspeh.
Cilji v zvezi s sirokopasovnimi povezavami, ki so doloceni v evropski digitalni agendi, eni od sedmih vodilnih pobud strategije evropa 2020, ki jo je komisija sprejela leta 2010. It replaces the socalled lisbon strategy, whose timeline expired in 2010. Slednja je na podlagi analiz in statisticnih podatkov ugotovila. Europe 2020 strategy government of the czech republic. Marko glazar slovenija 2020 ocenjevanje ukrepov strategije. Predlog strategije evropa 2020 sicer pravilno ugotavlja, da instrumenti kohezijske politike prispevajo k doseganju ciljev strategije, vendar ne poudarja potencialnega prispevka strategije evropa 2020 h krepitvi kohezije v celotni eu.
Komisija prednostno doloca, kaj je treba storiti, da bi oblikovali izvedljivo strategijo. The europe 2020 strategy represents the main economic reform agenda for the european union with a view to the year 2020. Kateri cilji so bili postavljeni znotraj strategije evropa 2020 kako je nastala strategija evropa 2020 in kaj je njen poglavitni namen. Uvod da bi omogocila izhod iz krize in gospodarstvo evropske unije eu pripravila na izzive naslednjega desetletja, je marca 2010 evropska komisija ek sprejela strategijo evropa 20201. Efsa therefore decided to develop a new overarching strategy for the period 20162020 which would cover all aspects related to the agencys strategic planning and execution. Eu structural and investment funds 20142020 and beyond. Digitalna agenda je del strategije evropa 2020, ki naj bi evropski uniji v. Installation time depends on your system performance. Software 2020 blog software 2020 your 2020 view of. Eurlex, uradni list eu, junij 2018 forum mladi ucitelj.
Porocilo o kohezijski politiki in pregledu strategije. Komisija je na podlagi treh prednostnih usmeritev strategije evropa 2020 pametna, trajnostna in vkljucujoca rast opredelila pet merljivih ciljev na ravni eu. European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Evropska unija je informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije priznala kot pomemben del strategije eu za krepitev gospodarske rasti in odzivanje na izzive sodobnega sveta. With superior 3d rendering capabilities, advanced planning tools, 360 panoramic views, floor planners, and access to an array of decorative items, 2020 applications are equipped with everything designers and remodeling professionals need to create fully functional and beautiful bathroom and kitchen layouts. Installation support and system requirements 2020 spaces. Non profit organisation working to create general understanding and support for software freedom. Western europe packaged software spending forecast 20. Europe 2020 the european strategy for sustainable growth. The eu a partner of excellence in research and innovation 2. The strategic plan 2020 builds on the achievements of the offices first strategic plan 20112015, and has as its vision the creation of a userdriven european intellectual property network.
Temeljni cilji strategije razvoja javne uprave 20152020 sju 2020 so usmerjeni v. Introduction this document presents the leadership vision for the european union intellectual property office euipo, formerly the office for harmonization in the internal market ohim1 for the years 20162020 and outlines the necessary steps to get there. Welcome to 2020 design thank you for choosing 2020 design. Digitalna transformacija in vizija referencnosti slovenije vsesplosna digitalizacija nasega poslovnega in vsakdanjega zivljenjskega okolja, skokovit porast masovnih podatkov, tako imenovani. Cilj strategije evropa 2020 je zagotoviti, da bo gospodarska ozivitev evropske unije eu po. The main goal for the 20142020 funding period is smart, sustainable and inclusive growth which will reinforce the eus growth strategy europe 20201. Toda njena proizvodnja in poraba okolje mocno obremenjujeta s toplogrednimi plini, izpusti onesnazeval zraka, rabo zemljisc, nastajanjem odpadkov in razlitji nafte. Posvetovanje vase mnenje o strategiji evropa 2020 koncno. Navedeni cilji in usmeritve sedmega okoljskega akcijskega programa, predstavljeni v predhodnem poglavju, prispevajo k operacionalizaciji krovne strategije evropa 2020, zlasti njene usmeritve k trajnostni rasti. The 2020 design setup installs prerequisite software files if necessary and then installs 2020 design. Digitalna agenda je del strategije evropa 2020, ki naj bi evropski uniji v naslednjem desetletju zagotovila hitro gospodarsko rast. Europe 2020 is a 10year strategy proposed by the european commission on 3 march 2010 for advancement of the economy of the european union. Ciljevi i instrumenti definisani u strategiji evropa 2020.
It aims at smart, sustainable, inclusive growth with greater coordination of national and european policy. Postavljeni so merljivi krovni cilji, ki naj bi jih drzave clanice dc pri prilagajanju. Promoting good health is an integral part of europe 2020, the eus 10year economicgrowth strategy. Europol, in its new strategy 20162020 focuses on consolidating all its capabilities and expertise, to deliver the most effective support to ms investigations. Strategija evropa 2020 essayaufsatz razvojciljtudi. Strategija razvoja informacijske druzbe do leta 2020 gov. Source software in government ososs, francija common interoperability. This statistic shows the forecasted annual spending for packaged software in western europe from 20 to 2018. The prior blog, automatic documentation how we use software 2020 to build software 2020 describes the automatic way to use software 2020 for tracking tasks, communicating between the team members pms and developers resulting in both an outstanding product and nice online knowledge base repository aka brd. The europe 2020 strategy looks at the eu27 as a whole, but for it to work, it requires efforts at the member state level, especially those that are lagging on a number of indicators. Glavni cilj te strategije je preoblikovati eu v pametno, trajnostno in vkljucujoce gospodarstvo. Efficient translation of this goal into operational programmes and partnership agreements can be challenging. Javier pereira europe 2020 the european strategy for sustainable growth 3 n the share of early school leavers should be under 10 per cent and at least 40 per cent of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree.
More specifically, health policy is important to europe 2020s objectives for smart and inclusive growth because. European commission press release details page brussels, 3rd march 2010 the european commission has launched today the europe 2020 strategy to go out of the crisis and prepare eu economy for the next decade. The commission identifies three key drivers for growth, to be implemented through concrete actions at eu and national levels. Komisija predlaga, da bi drzave clanice pri prilagajanju strategije evropa 2020 lastnemu polozaju te cilje eu vkljucile v nacionalne cilje in nacrtovano ukrepanje.
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